Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monster Exchange

We have been working on drawing monsters on the computer for a Monster Exchange project we are doing with our Arizona Skype Buddies.
Here is how it works:
1. We draw a monster
2. We write a description about our monster
3. The AZ kids use our description to draw a monster to match
4. We compare the 2 monsters to see if they look alike
Here are a few samples of monsters we have worked on so far....

Cael: My monster is sloppy. Its an alien. It scares people. It has a red eye and a green body. It has black legs and black arms. Its circle and its ears are are circle. His legs and arms are rectangle and its eyes are circle and its legs are circle and its body is circle.

Paige C.: It's a monster sun holding something long and black. It has a yellow body and the points are orange. The eyes are pink and the mouth is white with square teeth. The background is blue and the grass is green. The sun is orange and yellow.

Adam: My monster has an electric tail that is blue, at the end of the tail there is a spike that is red. It has spikes on its back. It shoots out lighting. The color of the body is green its kind of like an S. It is swivery and it has teeth. He has four legs shaped like the letter b.

Devin: It lives in the underworld. It has red eyes. He is wearing jeans, a belt, and he has green skin. His head is a circle and his arms are like twisted rectangles. He no fingers and there is a yellow background.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bear Party & Gumball Reading Incentive

Today we celebrated finishing our Bear Reading Incentive. We had teddy grams and watched Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Where is my Bear? on the Smartboard. We also worked on a bear maze, coloring sheet, and drew and dressed a bear. It was fun!

Today, we also started a new reading incentive. It is gum ball reading. The kids will be bringing home a pink reading slip to be signed each night after students read their guided reading book. After each student has "filled up" their gum ball machine, we will have a gum ball reading party.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hey Kids! Watch this jing to see what websites to go to in the computer lab.

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Skype Date?

Do you have something interesting you would like to teach our class? Do you want to read a picture book to our class? Would you like to share something about where you live? If so, let's set up a skype date! We are looking for family members and friends to skype with.

-Show us how to make something
-Teach us a skill
-Read to us
-Tell us a story
-Tell us about where you come from

If you are interested, please e-mail me at

We would love to skype with you!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1st Grade Conference Schedule

This morning we scheduled conferences. Below is the schedule. Please note that every time slot is filled in on Tuesday so you will need to be on time in order to have your conference. Also we will have to stick to a 15 minute time limit to keep things running smoothly. If something is not going to work for you, please let me know as soon as you can so we can get things changed. I look forward to talking with you all! Thanks!

Tuesday November, 2nd

4:00-4:15 Adam Stange
4:15-4:30 Paige Condon
4:30-4:45 Austyn Wright
4:45-5:00 Sean Peters
5:00-5:15 Shawn Kenyon
5:15-5:30 Devin VanZee
5:30-5:45 Tristan Hood
5:45-6:00 Cael Oswald
6:00-6:15 Amber Dangelser
6:15-6:30 Abbi Holloway
6:30-6:45 Levi Tucker
6:45-7:00 Meghan Doan
7:00-7:15 Drayden Hall
7:15-7:30 Paige Wilson
7:30-7:45 Brayden Bates
7:45-8:00 Carson Peterson

Thursday November, 4th

4:00-4:15 Teage Bruns
4:15-4:30 Kierra Birkey
4:30-4:45 Isaac Larson
4:45-5:00 Jayne Wiese
5:00-5:15 Sydnee Babcock
5:30-5:45 Lydia Leith
5:45-6:00 Odyssey Hanson
6:00-6:15 Christopher Krueger
6:30-6:45 Adam Stange

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kidblog & 3rd Grade Tech. Buddies

Mrs. Pearson's 3rd Grade class helped us write a post on kidblog about what we are going to be for Halloween! They were a lot of help! Thanks 3rd Grade.
You can read and comment on our posts at:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get a Voki now!

Halloween Party

Our Halloween Party will be on Friday, October 29th. We will have the party from aprox. 2:00-3:00. Your student can bring a costume that is easy for them to put on. Please no make-up or pretend weapons.

We will have enough with the people who signed up to bring things, but If you still want to bring something that is fine with me. Just please e-mail me or write in planner so I know what to plan for.

The kids that signed up to bring treats are as follows:

Sydnee- 1 gallon water
Amber- Rice Krispie bars or cookies
Isaac- Rice Krispie bars or cookies
Adam- crackers and cheese or other nutritious snack
Levi- Take home treats
Drayden - Halloween napkins- (he already brought these)
Sean P.- Halloween cups


Today your students are bringing home a blue conference sign up sheet. It is stapled in their planner. Please return this as soon as you can, tomorrow preferably. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd (4:00-8:00) and Thursday, November 4th (4:00-8:00). We will schedule all students grades OK-6th. We will try to keep siblings within a 15 minute time span. If you have a child in preschool, you already signed them up for a time at open house. You will need to schedule accordingly because we do not schedule with preschool, we can only do our best with the information you provide us. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about scheduling. If you would like to do it a different day, I will be available from 3:15-3:30 Monday-Thursday.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Watch us Stop, drop, and Roll!


What do the First graders Have to Say About Fire Safety?

Tristan says: “It's important to know about fire safety because if there's a fire you have to have a meeting place, and if you don’t have a meeting place you just go outside. There was a lady who didn't have a meeting place and she ran back inside to look for her kids and died.”

Drayden says: “It's important to know about fire because you could get hurt”

Abbi says: “Don't touch anything that can start a fire”

Cael says: “If all the windows are on fire and the door is blocked wait for the firemen to come”

Levi says: “If you shirt is on fire, STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!”

Adam says: “Test your smoke alarms and if they work you will know there is a fire”

Teage says: “Never be scared of a firefighter”

Sean says: “It's important to know about about fire safety because if there's ever a fire in your house you won't know what to do”

Shawn says: “If there is a fire just get out as quick as you can”

Sydnee says: “Don't be scared of firemen they are just here to help you”

Devin says: “Never touch a cord or an outlet”

Austyn says: “Don't put a match in an outlet”

Paige W says: “Never play with lighters or matches”

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dear Parents/Guardians,

YOU have homework! Your homework is DUE by Monday.

The class and I are going to check back on Monday and see who did their homework.

Your homework is to comment on this post and respond to this question:

What is your favorite thing about your child? (Make sure to tell us the first name of your child)

We are so excited to read the posts and "check" your homework!!!!! :)

How to Make a Pattern

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What are you doing today?

Hi First Grade!

I am at a technololgy convention listening to Alan November speak today.

What are you guys doing on your day off? Parents?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome Our New Student Devin!!! :)

Yesterday we got a new student named Devin. Devin came here from Prairie Valley and moved to Manson. Devin is a good reader and writer. Devin likes to play video games for fun. His favorite video games are alien video games. Devin has four brothers and one sister. There names are Kenny, Marcus, Jacob, Lucas, and Hailey. We are excited to have him in our class!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Farewell Sarah! We Will Miss You!!

Yesterday was Sarah's last day at MNW. She is one of the sweetest, kindest girls I know. She is a poster child for using following the 5 pillars of character. She is moving to a new school and we wish her the best of luck! We know she will do great there!

We had a farewell party for her. Each student made her a card with their picture on it and we gave her a frame that said "friends" with our class picture in it. We also had a treat. Sarah brought Kit Kats and Mrs. Carlson brought cookies. Sarah got to choose what we did for fun. Her choices were Smartboard, heads up seven up, or extra recess. She chose to have an extra recess.

Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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