Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dear Parents/Guardians,

YOU have homework! Your homework is DUE by Monday.

The class and I are going to check back on Monday and see who did their homework.

Your homework is to comment on this post and respond to this question:

What is your favorite thing about your child? (Make sure to tell us the first name of your child)

We are so excited to read the posts and "check" your homework!!!!! :)


  1. My favorite thing about Adam is that he makes me laugh. He is silly and does funny things, like meditate at the pool. He is helpful and kind too. Adam is totally awesome. That is what I like best about him.

  2. What an awesome question, what do I like most about Abbi Marie Holloway? I like that Abbi likes to snuggle. I like that Abbi read books to me, smiles at me first thing in the morning, and that she cheers for the Cyclones. What else can a Dad ask for.

  3. What I love most about Lydia is that she is a very caring and thankful little girl. I love her creativity and look forward to when she comes to me and wants to make a craft with me. Her Daddy loves it when she comes to the shop and wants her own tools. I love her passion for reading, spelling and doing homework.

  4. Often times people say that you are either a dreamer or a doer. My favorite thing about Isaac is that he is both. He's the perfect mix of contrasting personalities. He's silly but serious, imaginative but grounded, and independent but friendly. He'll be dreaming of a building one second, drawing blueprints for it the next, and building it the next time I look. He keeps me on my toes and makes me keep learning everyday. It is a blast to be his mother and I can't imagine my life without him!

  5. A few things I love about Shawn is what an explorer he is. He loves to go to different places and find things outside, like different kinds of bugs and critters and climb up on high places in trees, rocks, and playgrounds. His imagination is so creative! Shawn is very talented and is a great team player!! His laugh is my favorite, and his funny faces that he makes makes me smile. I'm proud of my son Shawn and I love him very much!!

  6. (Isaac) My favorite thing about Isaac is his inquiring mind. I love it when he asks me a MILLION-BAZILLION-QUADRILLION questions about the world around us. My favorite question from Isaac is, "Why?" Isaac's questions challenge me to learn more so I can help him learn more. A lot of times I find myself saying, "I don't know Isaac, we'll have to look it up on the internet when we get home." Sometimes at bedtime, after answering a barrage of questions, I have to tell him to shut his brain off and close his eyes so he can go to sleep and give his body some rest. I love Isaac and all his questions!

  7. What I like most about Abbi is that everytime I look at her and her BIG brown eyes, it makes me smile. How could a mom ever get mad at a face like that. I also like it at night when I am tucking her into bed and she tells me "You're the best."

  8. Aside from loving everything about Brayden B. I especially love how much he loves his cousin jackson. He has taken a brother role. He helps take care of him, plays with him, and protects him.

  9. It's hard to pick out one favorite thing about Drayden as he is so special. He is a very caring young man who loves to please and help others. I had been very sick recently and Drayden was the greatest helper that a Dad could ever ask for. Drayden has had some health issues himself, but knows thaqt there are others in worse shape. Drayden helps raise money for Special Olympics two to three times per year and never once complains, and actually enjoys it. He is a main figure at the Cop on Top fundraiser every year. Drayden amazes me with some of the designs and layouts that he dreams up for his trains. I often joke that Draydens first love is trains; but I know that isn't true as he is always quick to let people know how he feels. If I had to put this into just a few words, I would say that Drayden has a big and tender heart.

  10. Wow this is a tough question because I like everything about Paige! I guess my "favorite" thing though would be her loving heart. She has no problem telling people how much she loves them and is always the first to offer up hugs. I'm greeted every morning, go to bed every night and am blessed everyday after work with a great big magic hug. I say her hugs are magic because they always make me feel better even if I'm having a bad day. Paige is also a very talented artist and I can't wait to see where that creativity takes her in the future. Her contagious laugh is another thing that I love about her. Paige is just a wonderful girl and I love her very much!

  11. My favorite thing about Paige is she is way tougher then she is big. She may be small in size but she plays hard.

  12. This is Cindy A.,Kierra's grandma. If I had to pick one thing about my Kiki that is my favorite, I would have to say that I love all the songs she sings in the shower. She has an awesome voice and really lets loose while she's scrubbing up!

  13. My favorite thing about Levi has to be how funny he is. No matter how bad of a day that I have had one smile or funny face from him will instantly make me smile. He's always good for a good strong hug when you need one too. He's a great little guy and I am so very blessed to have him!

  14. My favorite thing about my Meghan is how thoughtful and caring she is towards her family and friends and how determined to she is to work hard for something that she wants such as her kitten she got this summer for working extra hard in school. Her love for coloring and painting amazes me as she is always giving me a new picture to hang on the fridge or at work. I love my Maggie Belle so much as there is never a dull moment when she is awake!!

  15. Some of my favorite things about Chris are his creativity - he loves to do crafts and paint; he can sing along with every song on the radio; and he loves to do everything his brother and sister are involved with including wrestling, football, 4h, and cooking. My most favorite thing is his mischievious smile which he uses frequently to try to stay out of trouble:)

  16. My favorite thing about Cael besides his adorable red hair, is his inquisitive nature. He wants to know about lots of things but especially superheros like spiderman, wolverine, and hulk and how they got their superpowers; what kind of good things they do to save people; and how they defeat the bad guys! :)

  17. My favorite thing about Sean is his generous heart. He shares with everyone. He always smiles and is very loving. He is not shy and loves to talk to everyone.

  18. Levi Tucker expresses interest in learning how things work,impressing me with his trouble shooting skill using math and sciences.

  19. One of the things I love most about Brayden is watching him and his face when he learns something new and it "clicks", how he is continuing to ask questions beyond the first question. I also love to here some of the things he comes up with, the comments he makes. I love it the most when he tells me he loves me to the moon n back.

  20. My favorite thing about Teage is his hugs!! He always has a hug for me! It just puts a smile on my face every time! He also has a great immagination and I love that too!

  21. Teage is very imaginative, he is always coming up with something new he is thinking about or doing. His artwork is also very good. He is also very good about telling dad how to do things!

  22. There is so many things about Kiki that I love, but if I were to have to pick one it would be she has her own self of style. She is so unique. I love how tiny she is and the way she dresses her self. How many people could pull off boots in the middle of summer. Love you Kiki!

  23. Sorry this is late! There are so many things that I love about Paige! She has a great imagination, and can have fun no matter where she is or what she is doing. She is a great helper, and loves helping me out in the kitchen! I love that she loves princesses, and jewelry, and nail polish....yet still climbs trees, catches toads, and plays with worms!

  24. Paige W., by the way!

  25. Amber is a very caring young lady. I love the way she likes to help out. She loves to hang out in the garage with dad. I also love the way she keeps busy with her art projects at home.

  26. One of my favorite things about Austyn (I have many favorite things) is his selflessness. He's always holding the door for me, carrying in the groceries, or letting his sister watch Barney, when he'd much rather be watching Star Wars the Clone Wars!!! I couldn't ask for a better son.

  27. To be quite honest the initial reason I gave you guys "homework" was to try to get you involved on the blog and get some comments(The kids LOVE when there are comments to read).Your homework ended up being so much more than just involvment, it boosted the kids self-esteem and taught me sooo much! I did not know how much I would learn, laugh, tear up, etc. from your positive comments...Thank you so much for doing your "homework" and teaching me so much about your children. It was fun to compare your favorite things with my favorite things about your children. You guys are all so AWESOME!!!


Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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