Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Party
The party will be from 1:00-2:00. We will eat treats, play a few games, and open presents from Mrs.Carlson.
The people who signed up to bring treats are as follows:
1 gallon water- Shawn Kenyon
Rice Krispie bars or cookies- Lydia Leith & Isaac Larson
Crackers and cheese (or other nutritioius snack)- Sydnee Babcock
Take home Treat- Chris Krueger & Teage Bruns
Christmas Napkins- Paige Condon
Christmas Cups- Paige Condon
Thank you!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Program
Monday, December 13, 2010
MNW Elementary Auditorium
Kindergarten program @ 6:30 PM
Please have your child at their classroom by 6:00.
After the concert is over, please pick up your child at their classroom.
(Because of limited seating in the auditorium Iʼm asking you to please leave the
auditorium when your childʼs program is over and allow first and second grade parents
and guests to have seating priority for the next program.)
First and Second Grade program @ 7:00 PM
Please have your child at their classroom by 6:30.
After the concert is over, please pick up your child at their classroom.
(Because of limited seating in the auditorium Iʼm asking you to please leave the
auditorium when your childʼs program is over and allow third and fourth grade parents
and guests to have seating priority for the next program.)
Third and Fourth Grade program @ 7:45 PM
Please have your child at their classroom by 7:15.
After the concert is over, please pick up your child at their classroom.
Thanks for your support!
Happy Holidays,
Brad Bleam
K-6 Music
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Character Counts in First Grade!
Character Counts!
When students have 10 green slips in their envelope they will receive a positive reward.
Positive behaviors include behaviors that show good character such as: helping someone, saying kind words, being a respectful listener, following directions, walking quietly in line, etc.
The pillars of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.
Rewards include: staying in the classroom for free time during recess, being Mrs. Carlson's special helper, candy, stickers, computer time, etc.
Students will get one red slip for a warning, because everyone deserves a reminder.
If they get 2 red slips they will miss 5 minutes from recess.
If they get 3 red slips they will miss 10 minutes from recess.
If they get 4 red slips they will miss the whole recess.
If they get more than 4 slips they will visit Mrs. Davis or Mrs. Bleam to talk about making decisions showing good character.
Frown behaviors include behaviors that do not follow the pillars of character including, but not limited to: being disrespectful to others, not following directions, being a disrespectful listener, etc.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Morgan with her turkey!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monster Exchange
Cael: My monster is sloppy. Its an alien. It scares people. It has a red eye and a green body. It has black legs and black arms. Its circle and its ears are are circle. His legs and arms are rectangle and its eyes are circle and its legs are circle and its body is circle.
Paige C.: It's a monster sun holding something long and black. It has a yellow body and the points are orange. The eyes are pink and the mouth is white with square teeth. The background is blue and the grass is green. The sun is orange and yellow.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Bear Party & Gumball Reading Incentive
Today, we also started a new reading incentive. It is gum ball reading. The kids will be bringing home a pink reading slip to be signed each night after students read their guided reading book. After each student has "filled up" their gum ball machine, we will have a gum ball reading party.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Skype Date?
-Show us how to make something
-Teach us a skill
-Read to us
-Tell us a story
-Tell us about where you come from
If you are interested, please e-mail me at
We would love to skype with you!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
1st Grade Conference Schedule
Tuesday November, 2nd
4:00-4:15 Adam Stange
4:15-4:30 Paige Condon
4:30-4:45 Austyn Wright
4:45-5:00 Sean Peters
5:00-5:15 Shawn Kenyon
5:15-5:30 Devin VanZee
5:30-5:45 Tristan Hood
5:45-6:00 Cael Oswald
6:00-6:15 Amber Dangelser
6:15-6:30 Abbi Holloway
6:30-6:45 Levi Tucker
6:45-7:00 Meghan Doan
7:00-7:15 Drayden Hall
7:15-7:30 Paige Wilson
7:30-7:45 Brayden Bates
7:45-8:00 Carson Peterson
Thursday November, 4th
4:00-4:15 Teage Bruns
4:15-4:30 Kierra Birkey
4:30-4:45 Isaac Larson
4:45-5:00 Jayne Wiese
5:00-5:15 Sydnee Babcock
5:30-5:45 Lydia Leith
5:45-6:00 Odyssey Hanson
6:00-6:15 Christopher Krueger
6:30-6:45 Adam Stange
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Kidblog & 3rd Grade Tech. Buddies
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Halloween Party
We will have enough with the people who signed up to bring things, but If you still want to bring something that is fine with me. Just please e-mail me or write in planner so I know what to plan for.
The kids that signed up to bring treats are as follows:
Sydnee- 1 gallon water
Amber- Rice Krispie bars or cookies
Isaac- Rice Krispie bars or cookies
Adam- crackers and cheese or other nutritious snack
Levi- Take home treats
Drayden - Halloween napkins- (he already brought these)
Sean P.- Halloween cups
Friday, October 8, 2010
What do the First graders Have to Say About Fire Safety?
Tristan says: “It's important to know about fire safety because if there's a fire you have to have a meeting place, and if you don’t have a meeting place you just go outside. There was a lady who didn't have a meeting place and she ran back inside to look for her kids and died.”
Drayden says: “It's important to know about fire because you could get hurt”
Abbi says: “Don't touch anything that can start a fire”
Cael says: “If all the windows are on fire and the door is blocked wait for the firemen to come”
Levi says: “If you shirt is on fire, STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!”
Adam says: “Test your smoke alarms and if they work you will know there is a fire”
Teage says: “Never be scared of a firefighter”
Sean says: “It's important to know about about fire safety because if there's ever a fire in your house you won't know what to do”
Shawn says: “If there is a fire just get out as quick as you can”
Sydnee says: “Don't be scared of firemen they are just here to help you”
Devin says: “Never touch a cord or an outlet”
Austyn says: “Don't put a match in an outlet”
Paige W says: “Never play with lighters or matches”
Thursday, October 7, 2010
YOU have homework! Your homework is DUE by Monday.
The class and I are going to check back on Monday and see who did their homework.
Your homework is to comment on this post and respond to this question:
What is your favorite thing about your child? (Make sure to tell us the first name of your child)
We are so excited to read the posts and "check" your homework!!!!! :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What are you doing today?
I am at a technololgy convention listening to Alan November speak today.
What are you guys doing on your day off? Parents?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Welcome Our New Student Devin!!! :)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Farewell Sarah! We Will Miss You!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Magic Math Show
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
It's been awhile....
So what's been going on lately in first grade?
-Today, Picture day was a success. I tried my best to wipe off any left over breakfast faces, fix hair, and check clothing before each student got their pictures taken.
-Reading, I have been impressed with the amount of students who have been reading their Guided Reading book and getting Bear slips signed daily. All of the extra practice at home is sure showing at school. We have a lot of really good readers. Student's are passing sight word levels quickly and trying hard to pass the levels. If your child has been on a level for a while, continue to practice at home and remember they are only required to pass level 9 by the end of first grade.
-Word Journeys- These last few weeks have been a good trial period. Your child may move groups and that is because we want them to be learning at the right instructional level. We want them to be challenged, but not frustrated. Please take time to look over Friday tests scores, and continue to practice Word Journey words each week. I would like to suggest allowing your child to go to to practice spelling their words. You will have to type in their word lists. I hope it helped to have their word lists stapled into their planner Monday?
-Math- The Everyday Math spiral curriculum has had students counting pennies and nickles, telling time, problem solving, measuring, etc. already. Students are in the stage of getting exposed to concepts and are by NO means expected to master any of these skills. I cannot believe how many students are bringing home-links back daily. You parents don't know how much this helps your child at school! I can not say thank you enough. Math seems to be a fun part of the day, the students have enjoyed playing the games.
I will try to post some pictures this week.
Thanks for all you do!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
School Pictures
Your child brought home a school picture order form yesterday. Please fill it out and return it even if you are not purchasing the pictures. They will still get their picture taken for the yearbook and for their student lunch ID cards.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Mrs. Smith's Class in ARIZONA
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Today (for my 7th time) I started reading aloud The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We read 8 chapters, and the kids were begging me to keep reading. There is nothing better than that!
This is my ALL time favorite book to read aloud! The book is about a china doll rabbit who goes through the journey of life. Life takes him from home to home and throughout his journey the china doll changes from a selfish-rich china doll to a caring friend.
There is just something appealing to me about knowing what a stuffed rabbit is thinking. It always takes me back to my childhood. I can remember having an innocent imagination and having conversations with my dolls and stuffed animals. I remember thinking how cool it would be if they could think like humans do. I think every child has their own “Edward Tulane” whether it is a doll, teddy bear, or comfort blankie.
Please take time to talk to your child about this book and if you have a chance, read the book yourself. I just BEG you not to read it to your child until we are finished in class... haha! I have to hide the book in the classroom so the kids don't read ahead..
Monday, September 13, 2010
Guided Reading and 7 Things to Remember
PLANNER: This is sent home DAILY. Please sign and return with any notes you may have.
WORD JOURNEYS: New words are sent home each MONDAY. Word Journeys (Spelling) tests each FRIDAY.
GUIDED READING: A new book is sent home DAILY in a baggie. Please return them the following day.
BEAR SLIPS: A new slip is sent home DAILY please sign and send back to school in the baggie.
MATH HOME LINKS: Home links are to be done at home with help from family and sent home the following day. These are not sent home everyday. Please keep the "Family Letters", they do NOT need to be sent back to school.
SIGHT WORDS: New lists are sent home as needed. Mrs. Hokinson works with the kids approximately every other day on practicing reading the sight words. They do not need to spell these, just read them.
SHOW AND TELL: Show and Tell is each FRIDAY.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Real Money for Math Class
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Word Journeys
Your child will be bringing home a “refrigerator sheet” with the weeks words and the flash cards to cut out and review. This is your copy and does not need to come back to school. The words will be sent home each Monday. If you notice that your child did not bring them home in their take-home folder, please write a note in the planner to let me know. I will make sure they get home the following day. I am trying to get the kids into a routine of bringing these home each Monday and practicing during the week to be prepared for the tests on Friday.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
13 Ways to Motivate Kids to Read
*Encourage your child to read for fun by reading entertaining books, newspapers, and magazine articles together.
*Have your child read the recipe as you make something fun, like a favorite family dish.
*Read stories out loud, either to your child or with your child.
*Encourage your child to explore new interests by signing up for a sports team, summer camp, or even a fun summer class.
*Then, find books and magazine articles about his or her new interests and read them together.
*Have older children read out loud to their younger siblings.
*Make reading together enjoyable by focusing on the meaning of what you read rather than focusing on reading accuracy.
*Talk to your child about things he or she has read in school or at home.
*Get a library card and help your child check out books related to his or her life and interests.
*Play board games that involve reading, and include siblings and friends whenever you can.
*Have your child watch reading-focused television programs on PBS.
*Make reading a family event by having 15-30 minutes of family reading time every day.
Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin......
Today we read two different books based on the tale of the 3 Little Pigs. We then re-told the story to our friends!
Teage tells Isaac the story of the 3 little pigs.
Tristan and Adam get their characters all ready!
Meghan and Odyssey are careful to line the parts up in order.
The first little pig built his house out of straw..the second little pig built his house out of sticks...and the third little pig built his house out of bricks...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Book Order Due Friday
With a Quack Quack here, and a Quack Quack there......
We still have a lot of fun things to do!! Tomorrow and Wednesday we are going to do an activity with The Three Little Pigs, read One Red Rooster, and listen to Funny Farm. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about farm animals. It sure is fun to listen to what they know!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Our First Skype Experience
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monster Squeeze
Book Order
I will be sending a Scholastic book order home monthly. This month's book order will be due September 3rd. You may order online, or send the order form to school with your child. Please note... this is for fun, you do NOT have to order. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Mrs. Carlson
Scholastic Book Order
Online Ordering Information
Web address:
Class Activation Code: GM33L
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Now it's easier than ever to find the right books for your child — and help us earn FREE books for our classroom library at the same time! With new online ordering from Scholastic Book Clubs, you can choose from a much wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card. Best of all, our class earns a FREE book every time a parent places their order online.
It's so simple! Here's how it works:
1. SIGN UP at On the parent page, click the "Don't have a User Name and Password?" link, and then register for your own username and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This code ensures that your order is sent to me.
2. SELECT the books you'd like to order from over 500 titles available online...and take advantage of online-only specials and discounts.
3. SEND your order to me online by the due date. Books will be delivered directly to our classroom, as always.
Of course, you can still order using the form from the printed flyer. But why not experience for yourself how convenient it is to order online?
Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure. Plus our whole class benefits thanks to the FREE books we'll earn with every parent online order.
Go to now to get started.
Thank you,
Mrs. Carlson
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Our First Virtual Feild Trip
1.) Go to
2.) Click on the "live cams and videos" to view the other animals
3.) Have a great time!
Mrs. Carlson
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"Making Faces"
Paige looks just like the face she made!
Teage's face has a BIG smile!! :)
Our Class Contract
Create your own video slideshow at