Monday, September 13, 2010

Guided Reading and 7 Things to Remember

Today was our first day of Guided Reading. There are four groups. The teachers are Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Weltzheimer, Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Bleam. Each day your student will bring home a book in a baggie. Please have your child re-read the book to you. This will help them practice fluency. After your child has read the book to you, please sign the bear slip. Please send the book baggie and the bear reading slip back to school with them daily. The students will have a "bear" party after they have 20 slips signed.
I know there is a lot to remember in first grade, but please bear with me. This gets easier once the students are in a routine. Below is a list of 7 important things to remember. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.


  1. PLANNER: This is sent home DAILY. Please sign and return with any notes you may have.

  2. WORD JOURNEYS: New words are sent home each MONDAY. Word Journeys (Spelling) tests each FRIDAY.

  3. GUIDED READING: A new book is sent home DAILY in a baggie. Please return them the following day.

  4. BEAR SLIPS: A new slip is sent home DAILY please sign and send back to school in the baggie.

  5. MATH HOME LINKS: Home links are to be done at home with help from family and sent home the following day. These are not sent home everyday. Please keep the "Family Letters", they do NOT need to be sent back to school.

  6. SIGHT WORDS: New lists are sent home as needed. Mrs. Hokinson works with the kids approximately every other day on practicing reading the sight words. They do not need to spell these, just read them.

  7. SHOW AND TELL: Show and Tell is each FRIDAY.

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Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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