Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Magic Math Show

Today we had some fun during math (If you would have came, you may have thought I was a little loopy). I had all of the kids set their chairs up like a movie theatre. They had to each pay $100 dollars to come to the "Magic Math Show" and some gave tips. ;) (Pretend Money of course). I was the magic host of the show and there was audience participation, drum rolls involved. The kid's boo'ed me when the show was I had to pretend leave and (pretend cry) and go in the hallway and come back in the room for a little bit longer "Math Magic Show". The kids sure were having fun, and so was I. We used the Smartboard to learn about counting nickles and pennies. We stressed the point of counting by fives to count nickels and counting big coins first. They are getting better at counting nickels and pennies and practice each day helps.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Book Order

Book orders due Friday, October 8th.

It's been awhile....

I must apologize for the lack of posts I have had lately. I will try to do a better job keeping you updated.

So what's been going on lately in first grade?

-Today, Picture day was a success. I tried my best to wipe off any left over breakfast faces, fix hair, and check clothing before each student got their pictures taken.

-Reading, I have been impressed with the amount of students who have been reading their Guided Reading book and getting Bear slips signed daily. All of the extra practice at home is sure showing at school. We have a lot of really good readers. Student's are passing sight word levels quickly and trying hard to pass the levels. If your child has been on a level for a while, continue to practice at home and remember they are only required to pass level 9 by the end of first grade.

-Word Journeys- These last few weeks have been a good trial period. Your child may move groups and that is because we want them to be learning at the right instructional level. We want them to be challenged, but not frustrated. Please take time to look over Friday tests scores, and continue to practice Word Journey words each week. I would like to suggest allowing your child to go to to practice spelling their words. You will have to type in their word lists. I hope it helped to have their word lists stapled into their planner Monday?

-Math- The Everyday Math spiral curriculum has had students counting pennies and nickles, telling time, problem solving, measuring, etc. already. Students are in the stage of getting exposed to concepts and are by NO means expected to master any of these skills. I cannot believe how many students are bringing home-links back daily. You parents don't know how much this helps your child at school! I can not say thank you enough. Math seems to be a fun part of the day, the students have enjoyed playing the games.

I will try to post some pictures this week.

Thanks for all you do!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

School Pictures

School pictures will be Tuesday, September 28th.

Your child brought home a school picture order form yesterday. Please fill it out and return it even if you are not purchasing the pictures. They will still get their picture taken for the yearbook and for their student lunch ID cards.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mrs. Smith's Class in ARIZONA

Yesterday we skyped with a first grade class in Arizona! Each student was able to introduce themselves. Next time we Skype, we are going to share about the areas we live. This is truly an interesting experience. Never would I have dreamed our students could interact with students in across the US. I will share more about our experience after our next meeting.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Today (for my 7th time) I started reading aloud The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We read 8 chapters, and the kids were begging me to keep reading. There is nothing better than that!

This is my ALL time favorite book to read aloud! The book is about a china doll rabbit who goes through the journey of life. Life takes him from home to home and throughout his journey the china doll changes from a selfish-rich china doll to a caring friend.

There is just something appealing to me about knowing what a stuffed rabbit is thinking. It always takes me back to my childhood. I can remember having an innocent imagination and having conversations with my dolls and stuffed animals. I remember thinking how cool it would be if they could think like humans do. I think every child has their own “Edward Tulane” whether it is a doll, teddy bear, or comfort blankie.

Please take time to talk to your child about this book and if you have a chance, read the book yourself. I just BEG you not to read it to your child until we are finished in class... haha! I have to hide the book in the classroom so the kids don't read ahead..

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today the kindergarten, first, and second grade teachers decided to celebrate Homecoming with dress up days. Please feel free to have your children participate in as many days as you would like. Thanks!
Tuesday- Silly Sock Day
Wednesday- Favorite Sports Team Day
Thursday- Spirit Day- Orange and Blue
Friday- Spirit Day

Guided Reading and 7 Things to Remember

Today was our first day of Guided Reading. There are four groups. The teachers are Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Weltzheimer, Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Bleam. Each day your student will bring home a book in a baggie. Please have your child re-read the book to you. This will help them practice fluency. After your child has read the book to you, please sign the bear slip. Please send the book baggie and the bear reading slip back to school with them daily. The students will have a "bear" party after they have 20 slips signed.
I know there is a lot to remember in first grade, but please bear with me. This gets easier once the students are in a routine. Below is a list of 7 important things to remember. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.


  1. PLANNER: This is sent home DAILY. Please sign and return with any notes you may have.

  2. WORD JOURNEYS: New words are sent home each MONDAY. Word Journeys (Spelling) tests each FRIDAY.

  3. GUIDED READING: A new book is sent home DAILY in a baggie. Please return them the following day.

  4. BEAR SLIPS: A new slip is sent home DAILY please sign and send back to school in the baggie.

  5. MATH HOME LINKS: Home links are to be done at home with help from family and sent home the following day. These are not sent home everyday. Please keep the "Family Letters", they do NOT need to be sent back to school.

  6. SIGHT WORDS: New lists are sent home as needed. Mrs. Hokinson works with the kids approximately every other day on practicing reading the sight words. They do not need to spell these, just read them.

  7. SHOW AND TELL: Show and Tell is each FRIDAY.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Birthdays this week!

Happy Birthday Chris!!! September 8th

Happy Birthday Shawn!!! September 5th

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Real Money for Math Class

I am sending home a note today that asks you to send 10 pennies, 5 nickels, 10 dimes, and 2 quarters with your child in the baggie provided. Each child will need their own money for math class. We will start using the real money the beginning of next week. This money will be sent home at the end of the school year.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Word Journeys

Today we started Word Journeys which is our spelling program. We have four teachers teaching Word Journeys to allow for smaller groups and will be doing this daily from 8:45-9:05. The teachers are: Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Weltzheimer, Mrs. Bleam, and Mrs. Nelson.

Your child will be bringing home a “refrigerator sheet” with the weeks words and the flash cards to cut out and review. This is your copy and does not need to come back to school. The words will be sent home each Monday. If you notice that your child did not bring them home in their take-home folder, please write a note in the planner to let me know. I will make sure they get home the following day. I am trying to get the kids into a routine of bringing these home each Monday and practicing during the week to be prepared for the tests on Friday.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

13 Ways to Motivate Kids to Read

*See a movie that’s based on a book. Then, read the book together.
*Encourage your child to read for fun by reading entertaining books, newspapers, and magazine articles together.
*Have your child read the recipe as you make something fun, like a favorite family dish.
*Read stories out loud, either to your child or with your child.
*Encourage your child to explore new interests by signing up for a sports team, summer camp, or even a fun summer class.
*Then, find books and magazine articles about his or her new interests and read them together.
*Have older children read out loud to their younger siblings.
*Make reading together enjoyable by focusing on the meaning of what you read rather than focusing on reading accuracy.
*Talk to your child about things he or she has read in school or at home.
*Get a library card and help your child check out books related to his or her life and interests.
*Play board games that involve reading, and include siblings and friends whenever you can.
*Have your child watch reading-focused television programs on PBS.
*Make reading a family event by having 15-30 minutes of family reading time every day.

Listen to our favorite part of the 3 Little Pigs

Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin......

Today we read two different books based on the tale of the 3 Little Pigs. We then re-told the story to our friends!

Teage tells Isaac the story of the 3 little pigs.

Lydia, Sydnee, and Paige W. take turns telling their version of The 3 Little Pigs!

Tristan and Adam get their characters all ready!

Meghan and Odyssey are careful to line the parts up in order.

The first little pig built his house out of straw..the second little pig built his house out of sticks...and the third little pig built his house out of bricks...

Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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