Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Today (for my 7th time) I started reading aloud The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We read 8 chapters, and the kids were begging me to keep reading. There is nothing better than that!

This is my ALL time favorite book to read aloud! The book is about a china doll rabbit who goes through the journey of life. Life takes him from home to home and throughout his journey the china doll changes from a selfish-rich china doll to a caring friend.

There is just something appealing to me about knowing what a stuffed rabbit is thinking. It always takes me back to my childhood. I can remember having an innocent imagination and having conversations with my dolls and stuffed animals. I remember thinking how cool it would be if they could think like humans do. I think every child has their own “Edward Tulane” whether it is a doll, teddy bear, or comfort blankie.

Please take time to talk to your child about this book and if you have a chance, read the book yourself. I just BEG you not to read it to your child until we are finished in class... haha! I have to hide the book in the classroom so the kids don't read ahead..

1 comment:

  1. Your description of the book makes me want to go read it. I am so happy that my grandson is in your class. What fun!


Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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