Thursday, August 12, 2010

HELP!!! help!!! Help!!!

Does anyone have an old "walkman" that they have replaced with an MP3 player or IPod? I really would like to have a few. They could either be a cassette tape or a CD player with headphones. I have been collecting books on tape and CD for a few years now, and would LOVE love LOVE to have a listening center for Guided Reading.

If you have one and would like to get rid of, you can drop it off at school or let me know where I could pick it up.


1 comment:

  1. There are lots of cassette players in my room, with are welcome to them. :)


Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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