Friday, August 27, 2010

Our First Skype Experience

We just got the webcam up and running. We are going to Skype with Mrs. Carlson's cousin (Emma) who is a 7th grader at Spirit Lake Middle School and Mrs. Carlson's grandma and grandpa. Emma's school just started the 1:1 laptop inicitive just like MNW did. They do not start school until Monday, so she is able to talk with us today. Also, Mrs. Carlson's grandparent's health will not allow them to travel to school to visit. Skype will let them meet us and see our classroom.

We are hoping to meet with other family members via Skype. If any of you would be interested in Skyping with us at school, please let us know. You could read us a story, meet our class, or help us with a class project. More details to come...
Watch the short video clip...We have a question for you!


  1. This is so amazing. I use Skype to talk with my grandsons in Iowa and in SC. Best thing they ever thought of. Congratulations!

  2. My brother Aaron, Paige's uncle, lives in Italy and would love to Skype with all of you. He is seeral hours ahead of us though, so finding a time that works for everyone will be a bit tricky!

  3. Amanda, Maybe we could try to set up a time. My e-mail is if he would like to contact me? That would be cool!

    Shirley, thanks so much for following our blog. I am so glad this blog is providing a connection for family members! Technology is awesome!


Our Class Contract

Our Class Contract
Today, the first grade worked together to think of all the rules that will help our classroom run smoothly! They thought of way more than I ever could! Way to go First Grade!!

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